Hello all of you blog followers!!!
These past 2 days have been great!
We started out with another great breakfast by our host Caleb (he is a great cook!) Then we were off to work....Well actually everyone else got to work while I got to go the fish market with Shorty, one of the Nehemiah Guys that works at the Living Witness. WE picked up 20 pounds of shrimp to cook up for lunch. That was pretty cool! I don't think I have ever seen shrimp that fresh right off the boat! Then When we got back, I got to learn how to peal the shrimp with Nivel, one of the cooks, and peeled talked for over an hour. We all worked hard in the heat and got a lot of plumbing done and finished painting the house. We breaked for a great shrimp lunch. After that we got into a bible study. The rest of the afternoon we spent finishing up some projects to get ready for wed.
That night we got to drive over the Causeway (which is the 26 mile long bridge over the lake) to go to Trinity Church to hear how God has worked in their life. It is so amazing how God and work his hand through people's lives through disaster! This hurricain not only destroyed lives and homes but also brought to attention the poverty of this city that was here long before Katrina hit, which I think was God's plan. He knew it would take something drastic to get the world's attention to get help to make a change! Well it worked! Trinity has worked with over 10,000 volunteers since Katrina hit! Isn't God amazing!!!!
The rest of us were so tired when we got back to Yellow house, most of us went to bed!
Today we had a lot of work ahead of us. We had a great breakfast and went straight to work. We were finishing prepping for concrete and started setting up the brackets and truses for the second floor. Today... I don't think that I have ever sweat this much and it feels great!. We are drinking water and taking breaks and staying strong! We had a great lunch and headed into bible study. We all talked about our favorite names for Jesus and what motivates us to be down here. Then we went back to work! That afternoon the Nehemiah boys came out to help and we got so much done!! We are ready for concrete tomorrow and may even start putting on the plywood on the second floor. Things are coming together! We worked a little later today until about 5 because we had dinner at 6 and a worship service at living witness at 7.
Wow that service was amazing. Our very own Jeremy and Kristen lead worship. They were so great. I could hear the Word of God coming through their words. God's presence was so strong there. The worship teams jumped into the song "blessed" and the congregation was jumping and yelling and clapping, even our own Cedarbrookers! God is truly amazing! WE came down here to serve this chuch but in return they have blessed and served us! They are such inspiring men! To have gone through the things that they have and still be a live and praising God with everything that they do. It is so amazing to me to see them so filled with God that they just cannot sit still they cannot contain themselves because the light of our God is so strong inside of them. I feel so privelaged to be able to be down here to learn from and with them. Our team has become so close and strong through God and continues to grow every day! Thank you God for all that you have done in our lives and we look forward to what is ahead of us for the rest of this week!
So now for the nicknames...
Giggle Box
Buba Uno
Tone Bone
With all of God's Love and Blessings!
Sarah H.
Sarah B.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Another 2 days have come and gone!!!
So again these last two days have been amazing. God's Awesomeness is pouring out.
We started out the Sunday morning Bright and early. We spent the morning chatting, bonding, games and napping. We then all left for the midday Living Witness Worship Service.... wow! That was an absolutely amazing experience. Can I Get an AMEN southern style. Pastor Pierre preached a great hour and half sermon and we had great worship with a powerful alter call following. God was truly present at that service!
We then came back to the Yellow house while Steve, Dennis, and I went to Walmart and waited 45 minutes in line!!! Dennis and I met a woman in line who told her story of where she was during the hurricain after she noticed our bright beacons of a shirt. (the bright yellow shirts in the pictures) She then told us how she wanted to be able to serve the future volunteers by feeding them a meal because she can't physically help out with rebuilding. What an amazing way for God to work.... in a Walmart line!
After we got back we all went to Mississippi to go to the ocean. That was so much fun. First, we drove for 30min in the wrong direction. So we turned around and made quite a few u turns before we finally got to the beach. You could walk atleast 300 yards from the beach and the water was only knee high! The majority of the group decided walk off to the dropoff and go swimming while the rest of us walked out as far as we could without getting wet.
After swimming, we went out to eat at Da Kitchen which had great variety of pastas and seafood! The walls had giant murals and a lot of us played "Hot Plate" where we switched plates to try all of the different food.
On the way home many more U-Turns were made then finally Caleb out "Tour Guide/Host" finally took the lead and got us home safely!
First of all... I want to say everyone is working so hard and I am so honored to be working with this team. God has truly brought together such a wide variety of talents to blend together a group that has such a strong work ethic... we can get anything done this week!!! We are so excited fir this opportunity to serve!
Our day got a slow start but once we got going... well we got going. We headed over to Living Witness and met all of the Nehamiah Boys. We started out with half of us painting the house down the street and the other half breaking out sewer pipes and prepping for concrete in the dormatories, to finish where the other team left off and for the new addition. Wow was that a lot of work! (I swear there was an entire sidewalk of bricks that had to come out from under that dirt!)
After breaking for lunch, we had an amazing bible study/devotional with the Nehamiah boys! It lasted for about 2 hours! It was so great to hear their stories of hardship and their journies to where they are today. We learned so much from them and they may have learned a little from us as well. And to put the icing on the cake, Dave and Joyce showed up right in the middle of the study!!!
After the bible study, we went in a couple of different directions.... Some went back to painting, others went to hang out with the Nehamiah boys, others took a break at the house, and I made cookies for the team (after multiple requests) while we waited for our supplies for the next step.
Caleb and Susanna cooked a great meal of spagetti salad and garlic bread. It was so good!!! After dinner we went over to Castle Rock to hear Caleb give us a presentation on what Urban Impact is all about.
And now you are pretty much caught up on the last two days! Pictures are up and more are to come. Keep and eye out!
Here are the nicknames so far.... (gues who is who!)
Buba Uno
Toe, Shaq
With all of God's Love and Blessings,
Sarah B.
Sarah H
We started out the Sunday morning Bright and early. We spent the morning chatting, bonding, games and napping. We then all left for the midday Living Witness Worship Service.... wow! That was an absolutely amazing experience. Can I Get an AMEN southern style. Pastor Pierre preached a great hour and half sermon and we had great worship with a powerful alter call following. God was truly present at that service!
We then came back to the Yellow house while Steve, Dennis, and I went to Walmart and waited 45 minutes in line!!! Dennis and I met a woman in line who told her story of where she was during the hurricain after she noticed our bright beacons of a shirt. (the bright yellow shirts in the pictures) She then told us how she wanted to be able to serve the future volunteers by feeding them a meal because she can't physically help out with rebuilding. What an amazing way for God to work.... in a Walmart line!
After we got back we all went to Mississippi to go to the ocean. That was so much fun. First, we drove for 30min in the wrong direction. So we turned around and made quite a few u turns before we finally got to the beach. You could walk atleast 300 yards from the beach and the water was only knee high! The majority of the group decided walk off to the dropoff and go swimming while the rest of us walked out as far as we could without getting wet.
After swimming, we went out to eat at Da Kitchen which had great variety of pastas and seafood! The walls had giant murals and a lot of us played "Hot Plate" where we switched plates to try all of the different food.
On the way home many more U-Turns were made then finally Caleb out "Tour Guide/Host" finally took the lead and got us home safely!
First of all... I want to say everyone is working so hard and I am so honored to be working with this team. God has truly brought together such a wide variety of talents to blend together a group that has such a strong work ethic... we can get anything done this week!!! We are so excited fir this opportunity to serve!
Our day got a slow start but once we got going... well we got going. We headed over to Living Witness and met all of the Nehamiah Boys. We started out with half of us painting the house down the street and the other half breaking out sewer pipes and prepping for concrete in the dormatories, to finish where the other team left off and for the new addition. Wow was that a lot of work! (I swear there was an entire sidewalk of bricks that had to come out from under that dirt!)
After breaking for lunch, we had an amazing bible study/devotional with the Nehamiah boys! It lasted for about 2 hours! It was so great to hear their stories of hardship and their journies to where they are today. We learned so much from them and they may have learned a little from us as well. And to put the icing on the cake, Dave and Joyce showed up right in the middle of the study!!!
After the bible study, we went in a couple of different directions.... Some went back to painting, others went to hang out with the Nehamiah boys, others took a break at the house, and I made cookies for the team (after multiple requests) while we waited for our supplies for the next step.
Caleb and Susanna cooked a great meal of spagetti salad and garlic bread. It was so good!!! After dinner we went over to Castle Rock to hear Caleb give us a presentation on what Urban Impact is all about.
And now you are pretty much caught up on the last two days! Pictures are up and more are to come. Keep and eye out!
Here are the nicknames so far.... (gues who is who!)
Buba Uno
Toe, Shaq
With all of God's Love and Blessings,
Sarah B.
Sarah H
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Team #1 Wrap Up
This is Stretch…thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know that Team #1 arrived home safely. Everyone is pretty drained physically, but it’s good to be home in spite of a strong desire by many to stay longer. Too bad responsibilities like work and families have to interfere…
After another great breakfast (thanks Emily) we attended the Super Friday Rally behind Castle Rock Church. All of the other work groups who were staying at Trinity Church, and the youth who were staying at the Yellow House were also there. Many states were represented including Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Texas, Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others. We then headed to clean up our assigned street. Unfortunately, there were very few people living in the houses so we had little contact with that community. We did have a few people from surrounding streets come out when the hotdog truck arrived. The water line from the flooding was still visible on some of the building…about 6 feet high. We ended our cleanup adjacent to the Projects that we visited Monday evening.
Ending the street cleanup allowed us to return to Living Witness a little early so the Nehemiah guys could give us a sendoff concert. Little did we know that we would be active participants…Yes, this bunch of conservative white folks from Wisconsin was transformed into worshipping in a passionate Southern style, complete with singing (off key for the most part), clapping, and even dancing in the aisles. They wanted us to perform one of our worship songs, so Leif (who had been playing guitar with them) stepped up to lead us in “How Great is Our God.” During our 2 hour time of worship, we all left even more of our hearts in that small sanctuary…what an absolutely fitting sendoff after everything we experienced all week. God’s hand is amazing!
We got packed up and cleaned up, and left New Orleans about 4:30. It was a slow start with getting stuck in rush hour traffic, and definitely bittersweet to be on the road. It was a fairly uneventful trip…more frequent stops were required overnight with tired drivers and apparently small bladders. A detour was taken to Farmington, MO at 3 am with the intention of “decorating” Team #2’s vehicles, but Younker’s dog who was loose outside stalled our efforts. I hope you guys pay closer attention to important maps in the future…
We arrived back in Menomonie about 4 pm Saturday. All of us have many, many stories to share…but some will take some time to express. It was a week packed with hard work, but more importantly with deep spiritual and emotional events. We experienced God’s amazing love in very real action, the fact that the timing of His plan is much better than our own, and that He directly answers prayer. We experienced the absence of coincidences when we allow ourselves to be used as servants, the power of the Spirit moving in and thru us, and the blessings when we glorify Him without expecting anything in return. We experienced the fact that a bunch of inexperienced people can accomplish great things when we surrender ourselves as individuals, and unite as the Knucklehead Construction Crew. We experienced that like minded people exist from all different backgrounds and cultures, and it’s God who gets all the glory when we put our differences aside in worship and in servanthood.
It was very much an honor to be called to lead this bunch, and I’m very proud to look back and know that we sacrificed ourselves keeping His will in mind. We can’t wait until the next opportunity comes to return to New Orleans. I’m hoping many of you who are reading this will listen to God’s call and join us next time.
After another great breakfast (thanks Emily) we attended the Super Friday Rally behind Castle Rock Church. All of the other work groups who were staying at Trinity Church, and the youth who were staying at the Yellow House were also there. Many states were represented including Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Texas, Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others. We then headed to clean up our assigned street. Unfortunately, there were very few people living in the houses so we had little contact with that community. We did have a few people from surrounding streets come out when the hotdog truck arrived. The water line from the flooding was still visible on some of the building…about 6 feet high. We ended our cleanup adjacent to the Projects that we visited Monday evening.
Ending the street cleanup allowed us to return to Living Witness a little early so the Nehemiah guys could give us a sendoff concert. Little did we know that we would be active participants…Yes, this bunch of conservative white folks from Wisconsin was transformed into worshipping in a passionate Southern style, complete with singing (off key for the most part), clapping, and even dancing in the aisles. They wanted us to perform one of our worship songs, so Leif (who had been playing guitar with them) stepped up to lead us in “How Great is Our God.” During our 2 hour time of worship, we all left even more of our hearts in that small sanctuary…what an absolutely fitting sendoff after everything we experienced all week. God’s hand is amazing!
We got packed up and cleaned up, and left New Orleans about 4:30. It was a slow start with getting stuck in rush hour traffic, and definitely bittersweet to be on the road. It was a fairly uneventful trip…more frequent stops were required overnight with tired drivers and apparently small bladders. A detour was taken to Farmington, MO at 3 am with the intention of “decorating” Team #2’s vehicles, but Younker’s dog who was loose outside stalled our efforts. I hope you guys pay closer attention to important maps in the future…
We arrived back in Menomonie about 4 pm Saturday. All of us have many, many stories to share…but some will take some time to express. It was a week packed with hard work, but more importantly with deep spiritual and emotional events. We experienced God’s amazing love in very real action, the fact that the timing of His plan is much better than our own, and that He directly answers prayer. We experienced the absence of coincidences when we allow ourselves to be used as servants, the power of the Spirit moving in and thru us, and the blessings when we glorify Him without expecting anything in return. We experienced the fact that a bunch of inexperienced people can accomplish great things when we surrender ourselves as individuals, and unite as the Knucklehead Construction Crew. We experienced that like minded people exist from all different backgrounds and cultures, and it’s God who gets all the glory when we put our differences aside in worship and in servanthood.
It was very much an honor to be called to lead this bunch, and I’m very proud to look back and know that we sacrificed ourselves keeping His will in mind. We can’t wait until the next opportunity comes to return to New Orleans. I’m hoping many of you who are reading this will listen to God’s call and join us next time.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
What an amazing 2 days!!!!
Alright all of you blog followers out there... This is Sarah, now bear with me this is my first time blogging!
Wow have these past 2 days been amazing! So much has happened. I will try to sum it up cause I am really tired.
Day 1 (Friday August 3)
We got off to a great start. Lots of sleepers in the vehicles (well it was 6:30 in the morning). It took a little while for us to wake up and get going. But we were off with a mission in our minivan, impala, and a truck. ( girls in the van and guys in the truck and car) Once we started waking up and got some energy drinks from Dennis, we loud and CRAZY. We entertained ourselves with a game of Eye Spy with the walkie talkies until we missed our turn to head south, so we put the walkies down for awhile so we could get our bearings...
After 12 hours we made our destination.... ST LOUIS!!! Bill and Lori were so amazing! They were so gracious to take on 14 travelers into their home for the night! We went to RYAN's for dinner (which is by far the best Buffet I have ever eaten at) after we stuffed our faces that night, we stuffed them again the next morning with 5 star breakfast! (Lori and Bill are great cooks). They sent us off with a prayer and we were back on the road......
Day 2 (August 4)
Little did we know that team one had made a little pit stop the night before around 3 AM to leave us a little surprise.... Thanks to Emma (Bill and Lori's dog) they couldn't vandalize our cars but left us a little note.. well actually a map of New Orleans at the end of the driveway that we didn't notice and actually drove over.
We were on our way to our final destination for the week. We were all pretty excited and talking to pass the next 12 hour drive. We made a stop in Memphis to stop at CORKY's for lunch, which has great ribs. This is great... So there was another large party of 14 that was there the same time as us. We thought one of our team members had told the hostess that we were there. so we waited.... and waited.... and waited some more for about 40 minutes and we finally got our table. We were settling in to our spot when the waiter comes back and said "aren't you the Coffner party???" as we are getting the stare down from the other large group. So apparently no one from our group went up to the hostess and told her we were a separate group.... so we waited about another 30 min to get seated!!! But the food was well worth it. After that...
We had been driving for awhile and received a call from Dave Johnson.... he reported that, first all of the building permits were approved, secondly, Pastor Piere went to LOWES to purchase all of the building materials for this weeks project. He went to a clerk and explained who he was working for and what they are doing and asked if it would be possible to get some kind of discount. The clerk rung up his purchase and asked him to wait a moment. He came and gave him the receipt with a total of $0!!!!!!! Isn't God amazing! This is truly God at work. When it is His will, He will pave the way for his followers! Praise Jesus for He is good! After another pit stop, Dennis and Tony were eating as many hot pepper that they could and convinced Kristin to have one (she was driving the truck) then she touched her eyes and went a little blind!... but she's OK, just couple tears.....no crashing!... Later that day, we started going over our daily devotional. We had a great session in the vehicles. (our car talked for 3 hours) Relationships are already being built... healing is coming for the broken ones... others are made stronger!
Then we got here! We are in New Orleans! we got lost (the street signs are so small!!!) but we finally found our way. The Yellow House is Beautiful!!!! Pictures will be up in the morning... We ended the evening with prayer. Praise JESUS for our wonderful team! I am so excited to see what is in store for us. Keep us in your prayers... pray for strength, weather tolerance, and the safety of the team members!!!
Quotes of the day...
John - "God really knew what he was doing when he made our complex bodies.... Our belly buttons don't leak or anything... we are sealed up tight!
Sarah B.- "The air is so thick, you could lick it and get a drink of water!"
Well to continue on with Michelle's tradition.... here are the nicknames so far and in no particular order (not everyone has one yet to my knowledge!)....
Grandpa Adam
Char char
more are coming
With all of God's Blessings and Love, We'll Write Soon!!!
Sarah B
Sarah H
Alright all of you blog followers out there... This is Sarah, now bear with me this is my first time blogging!
Wow have these past 2 days been amazing! So much has happened. I will try to sum it up cause I am really tired.
Day 1 (Friday August 3)
We got off to a great start. Lots of sleepers in the vehicles (well it was 6:30 in the morning). It took a little while for us to wake up and get going. But we were off with a mission in our minivan, impala, and a truck. ( girls in the van and guys in the truck and car) Once we started waking up and got some energy drinks from Dennis, we loud and CRAZY. We entertained ourselves with a game of Eye Spy with the walkie talkies until we missed our turn to head south, so we put the walkies down for awhile so we could get our bearings...
After 12 hours we made our destination.... ST LOUIS!!! Bill and Lori were so amazing! They were so gracious to take on 14 travelers into their home for the night! We went to RYAN's for dinner (which is by far the best Buffet I have ever eaten at) after we stuffed our faces that night, we stuffed them again the next morning with 5 star breakfast! (Lori and Bill are great cooks). They sent us off with a prayer and we were back on the road......
Day 2 (August 4)
Little did we know that team one had made a little pit stop the night before around 3 AM to leave us a little surprise.... Thanks to Emma (Bill and Lori's dog) they couldn't vandalize our cars but left us a little note.. well actually a map of New Orleans at the end of the driveway that we didn't notice and actually drove over.
We were on our way to our final destination for the week. We were all pretty excited and talking to pass the next 12 hour drive. We made a stop in Memphis to stop at CORKY's for lunch, which has great ribs. This is great... So there was another large party of 14 that was there the same time as us. We thought one of our team members had told the hostess that we were there. so we waited.... and waited.... and waited some more for about 40 minutes and we finally got our table. We were settling in to our spot when the waiter comes back and said "aren't you the Coffner party???" as we are getting the stare down from the other large group. So apparently no one from our group went up to the hostess and told her we were a separate group.... so we waited about another 30 min to get seated!!! But the food was well worth it. After that...
We had been driving for awhile and received a call from Dave Johnson.... he reported that, first all of the building permits were approved, secondly, Pastor Piere went to LOWES to purchase all of the building materials for this weeks project. He went to a clerk and explained who he was working for and what they are doing and asked if it would be possible to get some kind of discount. The clerk rung up his purchase and asked him to wait a moment. He came and gave him the receipt with a total of $0!!!!!!! Isn't God amazing! This is truly God at work. When it is His will, He will pave the way for his followers! Praise Jesus for He is good! After another pit stop, Dennis and Tony were eating as many hot pepper that they could and convinced Kristin to have one (she was driving the truck) then she touched her eyes and went a little blind!... but she's OK, just couple tears.....no crashing!... Later that day, we started going over our daily devotional. We had a great session in the vehicles. (our car talked for 3 hours) Relationships are already being built... healing is coming for the broken ones... others are made stronger!
Then we got here! We are in New Orleans! we got lost (the street signs are so small!!!) but we finally found our way. The Yellow House is Beautiful!!!! Pictures will be up in the morning... We ended the evening with prayer. Praise JESUS for our wonderful team! I am so excited to see what is in store for us. Keep us in your prayers... pray for strength, weather tolerance, and the safety of the team members!!!
Quotes of the day...
John - "God really knew what he was doing when he made our complex bodies.... Our belly buttons don't leak or anything... we are sealed up tight!
Sarah B.- "The air is so thick, you could lick it and get a drink of water!"
Well to continue on with Michelle's tradition.... here are the nicknames so far and in no particular order (not everyone has one yet to my knowledge!)....
Grandpa Adam
Char char
more are coming
With all of God's Blessings and Love, We'll Write Soon!!!
Sarah B
Sarah H
Friday, August 3, 2007
Team 2 - On the Way!
Dateline: Friday, August 3 - 0700
Rhino Dave here ...
Well, after watching the escapades of Cedarbrook's New Orleans Summer Outreach Team #1 ... the moment finally arrived for the next group of 16 more who will step in and continue serving in Central City this coming week.
They departed from the Cedarbrook Center this morning in fine style ... led by their fearless leaders!!

I'm sure that the next 20 hours of road time will continue to bind this group together in some amazing ways ... and they will carry on the great work that the first team has started!
I have to say how proud I am of Team # 1's tremendous work and witness of God's love to the people in Central City and Living Witness Church. We are looking forward to much fruit for God's kingdom to be brought forth as this team, and hopefully many others to follow share the life changing love of God by serving others.
Stay tuned for more details this week!!
Rhino Dave here ...
Well, after watching the escapades of Cedarbrook's New Orleans Summer Outreach Team #1 ... the moment finally arrived for the next group of 16 more who will step in and continue serving in Central City this coming week.
They departed from the Cedarbrook Center this morning in fine style ... led by their fearless leaders!!
I have to say how proud I am of Team # 1's tremendous work and witness of God's love to the people in Central City and Living Witness Church. We are looking forward to much fruit for God's kingdom to be brought forth as this team, and hopefully many others to follow share the life changing love of God by serving others.
Stay tuned for more details this week!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hi all! It's me, Michele. Well it was a busy day. We laid the rest of the concrete in the Living Witness building....and painted some more of the house. The Nehamiah guys were a huge help. But enough about work....The 'Guys' got permission to play some B-ball across the street at Castle Rock with our guys....the rest of us cheered them all on and took tons of pics....the huge suprise was Deacon Tillman in athletic shorts and a 'Magic' jersey...this from a guy who alway is dressed to the nines and is 57. Check out the pics they are awesome.
Then we went down to the French Quarters for dinner at Acme Oyster House. I was amazed that Saige ate an oyster.....to put in perspective ...Saige eating an oyster is almost equivalent to Moses parting the Red Sea (no blasphemy intended). :)
The concrete went real smooth today....we had a great devotion with breakfast. Everyone wants to stay indefinantly so we voted and decided we will, but all of you need to move down too...we would miss you all too much.
I know all of you want to see pictures of your loved ones on the blog....but I can only put on so many. But please go under pictures on the blog home page and click on July 2007....See you sunday!!
Ok......I know some of you have played the nick name game....and I will divulge the answers to ease your curiosity....please feel free to ask each team member how they got their nick name....however they may not tell you! :)
Chris Stretch
Tiff Mama Bear
Michele Buttercup
Justin Jeremy
Barb Chuckles
Angie Bambi
Tim Sarge (I voted for squeaky)
Leif Goat
Nick Cheeks
Jace Pack
Saige Sunshine
Kaylyn Exxon
Karen Motto
Michele out!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
shiners blog

Hi! This is Kaylyn and Saige. We have had a great day. We finished one side of the house were painting. The concrete was late, so it was a pretty chillin day until it finally arrived at 3. When we were just chillin , Alfonzo (one of the guys in the Nehemiah program) was carrying a glass door over his head and it broke and cracked his head open. He was taken to the hospital with minor injuries; keep him in your prayers for a quick recovery. With hard work were are hoping to get the concrete laid by tomorrow.
I, Kaylyn, thought when we went to see the kids in the projects on Monday was awesome. When Michele drove put the the court yard, before she even put the car in park, some kids jumped in and gave me a big hug. I thought it was cool!! Then later Saige and I were talking; and some teenage kids called us over. The very fist thing a teenage boy asked was if we had boyfriends. We told them no. Then they asked what we were doing in NO. Then they asked us for a dollar. When very one noticed we were over there, my mom (Karen) was going to come over, but then didn’t (but kept a sharp eye out). And we wanted to leave. So we said our moms were calling, which we didn’t know, but we vturnedaround and Michele was coming over to get us. We were so happy. Later on my mom said she was going to come over, but said we should get a taste of what there like. Jace said her was going to come over too. So, it was a fun day, and scary. Here’s Saiges favs.
My (Saige) favorite was working with the Nehemiah guys in the building we are working in. They came and did whatever needed to be done. They gave us a million sandwiches and a platter of pastries yesterday for lunch. Novelle taught us a new ‘secret handshake’ and how to snap. (Totally not gang related..I checked-Michele).
All italics added by Michele.
I, Kaylyn, thought when we went to see the kids in the projects on Monday was awesome. When Michele drove put the the court yard, before she even put the car in park, some kids jumped in and gave me a big hug. I thought it was cool!! Then later Saige and I were talking; and some teenage kids called us over. The very fist thing a teenage boy asked was if we had boyfriends. We told them no. Then they asked what we were doing in NO. Then they asked us for a dollar. When very one noticed we were over there, my mom (Karen) was going to come over, but then didn’t (but kept a sharp eye out). And we wanted to leave. So we said our moms were calling, which we didn’t know, but we vturnedaround and Michele was coming over to get us. We were so happy. Later on my mom said she was going to come over, but said we should get a taste of what there like. Jace said her was going to come over too. So, it was a fun day, and scary. Here’s Saiges favs.
My (Saige) favorite was working with the Nehemiah guys in the building we are working in. They came and did whatever needed to be done. They gave us a million sandwiches and a platter of pastries yesterday for lunch. Novelle taught us a new ‘secret handshake’ and how to snap. (Totally not gang related..I checked-Michele).
All italics added by Michele.
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