Friday, March 16, 2012

Good Morning!  It's 4:45. We're packing the bus at 5:15 and leaving New Orleans this morning at 6 AM.  I can hear the alarm clocks (cell phones) going off now.

Yesterday, Thursday, was our last work day.  We really pushed hard and accomplished a lot. We finished up our painting jobs, completed the drywall sanding in the administrative portion of the building and sprayed texture on the walls in 9 rooms. Wow. Blight crew cleaned and mowed several more lots. The electricians put up the lights in the sanctuary and we did a lot of cleaning and sweeping.  The place looks much different than it did when we started on Monday morning.

A bunch of us took a bus tour of the ninth ward after our workday.  We saw where the levies were breached and we saw the monument erected to show how fast and how high the water rose in the ninth ward.  At one point it was 17 feet deep!  I'll post pictures of some of that tour later but for now, I'd better get packing and get on that bus.  We have a long day of travel ahead of us.

Thanks for reading and for caring!

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