Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Morning.  Yesterday was a very full day for everyone.  We started the day with Bible study with the Nehemiah men and then off to work.  We divided into 3 groups.  Some worked in the men's dorm cleaning and preping the brick wall for the reinforcement wire and mortor and hanging sheetrock on the ceiling.  Another group worked in the sancturary replacing sheetrock and the other group worked on cleaning, organizing the food storage areas and preparing for the evening brat feast.
Wall in men's dorm
Men's dorm
We had a great time sharing our Wisconsin brats and cheese curds with the men and our Living Witness family.  Lot's of great conversations and we even got to meet Elder Stirgis' father.
Elder Bryon Stirgis and his father
Paul has made a lot of new friends, he's been a big hit with all the kids
Leon repairing sheet rock in the sanctuary
Cheryl organizing shelves in the food storage area

Enjoying brats, beans, salad, cheese curds, ice cream and all the fixins that go with it.
After dinner Pastor Pierre took us to the chuch Living Witness would like to purchase and move their ministry to.  It's a beautiful church with a neighborhood ripe and waiting for their ministry.  It also has empty lots that would be perfect for the Nehemiah ministry giving the opportunity to build a facility.

The church was a United Methodist Church and is in very good condition.  The neighborhood is in need of another church, in fact while we were there a woman out walking asked Bill Hewitt when the church would be opening up.  Please put Living Witness in your prayers for a quick sale on their current facility so they have funds to purchase the new one.
Colossians 4:23
Work hard and cheerfully al all you do, just as though you were working for the Lord and not merely for you masters, remembering that it is the Lord Christ who is going to pay you, giving you your full portion of all he owns.  He is the one you are really working for.


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