Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Job Well Done
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
80 Degrees and Sunny!
Big Progess!
Team 2 made big progress today at our work site. We are working on the interior structure of a house in the lower ninth ward. Today we really worked well together to complete some framing, insolating, and dry walling. The home already shows some substantial improvements after just the first day! We are excited to see the finished product at the end of the week.
Favor has become a Cornerstone of this trip thus far. Brad asked for Favor for the team in our prayer requests on Sunday night. This lead to a discussion on Favor and what Favor is, as some did not understand the spiritual principle of it. God has showed us Favor in so many ways in these past couple of days that now everyone wants to pray for it each day. Now that the team has seen the evidence of Favor, many of them will never go a day in their life without praying for it again.
Below are ways that God has shown us His favor so far:
1. Today at Home Depot Brad asked about getting discounts on tools. He agreed to sign up for a Home Depot Credit Card and the guy gave him $100 in free tools and supplies that we needed for our site.
2. We were also hoping for something to listen to at the job site and Toby was able to buy an Ipod dock for 70% off, it was the last one!
3. One of the Nehemiah Brothers approached the team on Sunday after church and suggested we have dinner at Montrel's Biestro in the French Quarter. He hooked us up with the owner, Derrick, who gave us 20% off our meal!
4. We parked in a Loading Zone where NO parking was allowed; however, it was not well marked and there were cars parked all down the block. The owner of the store walked out and told us we would get ticketed. We looked on the window of the van behind it and there was a ticket. About 3 minutes after moving to the next street over, the "Meter Maids" came through and ticketed all vehicles in that Loading Zone which stretched the entire length of the block.
5. There have been many others as well!
6. More favor to come...
Brad's wife, Cheryl, went to the ER this morning (Monday) with major chest pain. She was admitted to the hospital and several tests were run on her throughout the day including EKG's, Ultrasound and Blood Work. All the tests came back negative, so that is an answer to prayer. She still has twinges that cause her minor discomfort. They did release her from the hospital on Monday night; she is scheduled to go in for a Stress Test on her heart Tuesday or Wednesday. Currently family friends are taking care of their three kids, so she can get the rest needed. Please pray for continued healing for her and for peace of mind. Please keep Brad in prayer as well, as it's hard for him to be away from his wife with all this happening. Pray that Cheryl will be feeling stronger and better and can handle everything until Brad returns.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Day One in Nawlins
Saturday, March 14, 2009
We Made It!
Team 2
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

After the preview we were able to engage the kids. We started off with an ice-breaker to get to know them a bit better and to put faces with names. After a rousing song with lots of hand motions that the kids really got into, especially when they sang it in double time, we turned to our artwork. The children loved expressing themselves with colored charcoal. Some of the pictures expressed how they felt about themselves, their neighborhoods, and God. Some of them were just plain fun. We made sure we took lots of photos since the kids took their artwork home with them. Kris Tice was a wonderful teacher and her baked goods were the hit of the night.

We are having a lot of fun connecting with the men from the Nehemiah House. Here is Bill Tice working with a couple of the guys, Felix in the blue and Aaron in the fatigues. They are tearing out the old porch of the damage building that the men used to have as sleeping quarters. We did alot of work on this building so watch for more pictures of us working!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

We participated in a great Sunday worship service complete with prayer for Pastor Remy and our brothers and sisters in "Menomonie North!"
After that, the team dressed up in the "tourist togs" and off they went to visit part of the French Quarter and Jackson Square. The trolley car ride down St. Charles Ave gave the team a chance to strike up some conversation and even pass out a few pocket crosses! Be sure to ask the team members ... especially Sandy!! ;-) ... how fun it is to engage with people and give them a cross!
What trip to the French Quarter would be complete without a visit to Jackson Square! Here's the whole team! ... complete with "Poppa Johnson ... and "Mother Mary" ... (Dave J's parents)
Monday found the team doing a bunch of different projects, from demolition of some old foundation and floor, to art class. There was a doorway opening started, prayer walks, serving counters installed and lots of great relationship building.
Tomorrow is another busy day ... and its late, so good night! ... and let us know you're reading!

in a big house with beds for us. Gimpy, the goose, greeted us at daybreak with a loud "honk." Better than any alarm clock! We got an early start thinking we would make good time. Little did we know What the future held for us in Memphis.
We hit shirt sleeve weather when we got out at Janesville, Wisconsin. Betty V. bought a painting of the "Last Supper" by Da Vinci and when we got to New Orleans, behind alter at the church alter was a big picture of the last supper also. God showed his presence, many times on the trip. We thank you all for the prayers showering down on us.

We got to Living Witness church about 11:00 pm. The Nehemiah men waited up to help us unload. We missed the youth rally, but made it for Sunday morning bible study and church services. This picture is of the front of the church with Pastor Pierre preaching. The Nehemiah men are in back of the pastor on the stage. It is beautiful how they treat each other with such dignity.
We are having great weather. We went to the French quarter on Sunday. We have given away many crosses and have lots of stories to tell.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Totally "Jazzed" by the Send Off!
- Team 1 - March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time's a Flyin'!
We're not quite sure what exactly we'll be working on once we get down there, as Team 1 will be arriving the week before us and we'll have to see how far they get on various projects. But we're ready to continue God's work; Bring it on!
Please continue to have us in your thoughts and prayers as we move closer to our departure and look for more updates in the weeks to come! God Bless!
-Team 2: March 2009