in a big house with beds for us. Gimpy, the goose, greeted us at daybreak with a loud "honk." Better than any alarm clock! We got an early start thinking we would make good time. Little did we know What the future held for us in Memphis.
We hit shirt sleeve weather when we got out at Janesville, Wisconsin. Betty V. bought a painting of the "Last Supper" by Da Vinci and when we got to New Orleans, behind alter at the church alter was a big picture of the last supper also. God showed his presence, many times on the trip. We thank you all for the prayers showering down on us.

We got to Living Witness church about 11:00 pm. The Nehemiah men waited up to help us unload. We missed the youth rally, but made it for Sunday morning bible study and church services. This picture is of the front of the church with Pastor Pierre preaching. The Nehemiah men are in back of the pastor on the stage. It is beautiful how they treat each other with such dignity.
We are having great weather. We went to the French quarter on Sunday. We have given away many crosses and have lots of stories to tell.
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