Team 2 has made it safe and sound to New Orleans! After a long day of driving to Farmington Missouri yesterday and what seemed like an even longer day on the road today, it was all finally worth it when we were greeted at the front door to Living Witness Church this evening. Thankfully there are no extreme incidents to report from the drive, and we were so lucky to be able to stay with Bill and Lori Younker last night who made us a lovely breakfast of farm fresh eggs and "mancakes" this morning, and gave us a send-off prayer along with their goose "Gimpy" who made the prayer circle complete. Thank you guys! The message of trusting in God and "fear of the Lord" hit home in our devotions before bed. We are hoping for a good nights sleep and a refreshing breakfast and church service tomorrow morning with the Nehemiah guys. We'll keep you posted - no pun intended. Thanks for checking up on us! :o)
Team 2
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