Tuesday, July 31, 2007

guest bloggers!

Thanks for tuning in today, your guest bloggers are Mama Bear and Chuckles.

Last night was a real treat to get to go play with some kids in the projects. The youth camp had structured activities for the kids and we were invited to go and watch. We played Duck, Duck, Goose, soccer and watched the Challenge Circle activities. The kids love it and look forward to every Monday night.

Emily served up another great breakfast of pancakes and cereal and eggs. Then it was off to work to try and loosen up 13 sore bodies. It was hotter and more humid today so it didn’t take long to loosen up, and start smelling. We broke into two groups, with some working on forms for our concrete work, and some painting the house around the corner.

A rain storm shut us down and we broke for lunch. The guys from the Nehemiah Program supplied us with sub sandwiches and a huge platter of danishes. It is so great that we can be a blessing to each other when we reach out and connect with people we really wouldn’t otherwise get to know. The rain continued and we moved back into the room that will be the fellowship hall to finish prepping for tomorrow.

We knocked off work early to have a break for our bodies, and it just so happens the kids are able to join in a basketball game across the road. We can’t wait to hear the stories on our ride to Trinity tonight where we will see and hear stories about the devastation from the hurricanes and the miracles that God provides.

Tomorrow is a big work day; we will be doing some concrete work. Please pray for strength and endurance. What a privilege it is to be such a blessing, and to be blessed in return.

All for God’s glory!
Mama Bear and Chuckles

Monday, July 30, 2007

Team 2 Update

So, while the gang is getting smelly and dirty in NO, what do you think Team #2 is doing?

Well, the Cormican gang came through on Sunday with an awesome party with an "Hawaiian style" pig and beef roast (done in a hole in the ground!).

The Charles Gang was there, as well as Nate and Sarah, Little John and ...
the Rhino and his "Rhinette!"

We're looking forward to hearin' more of your adventures! ... and havin' some ourselves!

Dirty and Smelly

Hi all!! We survived our first day of labor. We are working on an area for Living Witness that will be their new kitchen a dining facility. We had to remove 4” of dirt from the floor of the building and level it to get ready for concrete. We are also working on a house for a couple that works for Urban Impact owns. We will be scraping and painting the sides. It’s hot and humid and we all got dirty and smelly.

A lot of the guys from Nehemiah helped us and got just as smelly and dirty. It was great to hang out and bond with them, hear their stories. …They joined us in a prayer circle….God is so Awesome.

We are showering up for dinner and then are going to an extremely oppressed area with some youth that are down here also and conducting an Awana type program for the kids in that neighborhood. For the fist hour they just go and play with all the neighborhood kids. How fun will that be….

All of you back home would be so proud of our team…especially the youth! They have worked as hard as the adults!! Got some great photos today.

I took the youth to Reconcile Café for a break. It truly is a piece of heaven here on earth!!!

We are all tired, sore and sunburned. So pray for continued strength and God’s will!!

OH…..Leif decided to sleep walk in the middle of the night….form the top bunk about 10’ up (they are stacked 3 high)….God is faithful. He came away with a slightly bruised chin. He has been moved down to a lower bunk (don’t worry Jane!)

Wish you were here!!!!

Michele out!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Honored Guests

July 29, 2007 8:04pm

Sunday! A few of us started out the day with a Wal-Mart trip…they really are the same everywhere. Then it was on to the team surprise…..we were traveling with Living Witness Church to a town about an hour away….for a baptism!!! After a long drive we were treated to a 2 hr service, with true southern style! It was awesome to see a few of the guys from Nehemiah that we got to know back in Feb!!

The ride home required us to go over the Herman P Long bridge…a two lane that was only 2ft wide…..Karen had a near death experience when I got to close to the edge….

It looks like our work assignment is clearing out dirt from one of the buildings and putting up some trusses.

It’s great to be in the neighborhood again.

It’s a whole different traveling with ‘young adults’….more gadgets and cords and DVDs and cables and adapters than I would ever know what to do with.

The girls spent this evening putting make up on the boys…..

But I must say I think Tim know more about ‘gaming’ than the younger crowd.

Quote of the day

“If there’s a tornado, we need to let these people know about basements!!” - Jace

Keep praying….open hearts, open minds!

Interested to get everyone’s take on the true southern church service.

Michele out.

We Made It!!

Hello all…from somewhere in Mississippi!!! We are on our second day of road tripping. Last night we stayed with the Slaters….friends of Bill Younkers that we stayed with back in February. I must say the Slaters gave that Younkers a run for their money! We had awesome, comfy accommodations and a gourmet breakfast to send us off. God bless the Slaters. Of course last night we visited Ryan’s Buffet for dinner…..the south really knows how to do a buffet.

Which bring us to our Quote of the moment:
“We can have any of this we want?”-Nick and Leif
“As much as we want?”- Nick and Leif

Unfortunately Barb was up all night with food poisoning. Please, put her in your prayers. She is still not feeling well and not keeping anything down.

God has been so faithful!! We have already encountered great people, weather…..Right now its 93…just the way we like it. It’s amazing to see such a diverse group of people come together and bond as the body of Christ! Despite much complaining…I (Michele) implemented a # system that required us to change cars and passengers at every stop the first day…..I don’t know if Leif and Nick will ever recover. But it did give everyone a chance to get to know each other.

We had some great sharing at our devotions last nite…..It’s so awesome to see God give us what we need as individuals!!!

For those of you tuning in for the fist time to my blogging (Me, Michele, I blogged the trip in Feb) This is a little game I like to call: Match the nick name with the team member

Team members:

Nick Names (thus far in no particular order)
Mama Bear

We did arrive at the West Wing, our home for the week, about 8:30. Pretty uneventful trip into the city, but we were able to view an awesome sunset just before reaching New Orleans. Have fun and tune in later.

Knucklehead Construction Crew

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On our Way!

Thanks to everyone for such generosity during our fundraising events. We had a busy weekend...but are very blessed.

The total from all the fundraising efforts exceeded $7000! Even with additional personal support, we are still about $5000 short of our goal. There is still time to make a donation thru Cedarbrook Church to support our work in New Orleans for these and future trips.

The "Date Night" on Friday went well, with over 30 children participating. I know of some very thankful parents who were able to use this opportunity for some valuble alone time.

Around 200 people were served during the Pancake Breakfast. A special THANKS to Applebees for providing their facility, and for having patience with us. They donated 100% of the food we served, complete use of their restaurant, and space to set up the Silent Auction.

The Car Wash on Saturday was steady and kept us busy. We don't have the number of cars that were washed, but if sore backs and sunburn are any indication...we were quite successful. Thanks to Walmart for providing the space, and for matching the first $500 in donations!

We ended the Silent Auction with over 100 items and services. Everyone who holds a winning bid will be contacted shortly if you haven't been already. Items will be available during Sunday's services for pick up.

Team #1 will be leaving from the Cedarbrook Center at 7 am Friday morning. Please keep our journey in your prayers as we go forward to see what surprises God has in store for us.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Silent Auction is off and running!

Bidding started Sunday morning on over 70 donated goods and services. With something for everyone, there was much interest...and even more interest in the work God has in store for us in New Orleans.

The auction will end at 10am on Saturday July 21 at the conclusion of the Pancake Breakfast at Applebees. DURING THIS WEEK, bidding can continue thru phone or email. To register for the auction and to place bids, contact Chris at chris@cedarbrookchurch.net or 505-6965.

Remember our "Date Night" this Friday from 5-10 pm. We have many volunteers lined up to watch your kids with organized games and activities. We'll be handing out restuarant gift certificates, first come first served.

The Pancake Breakfast runs this Saturday from 8-10 am. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door. The Silent Auction items will be on display, with bidding ending promptly at 10 am.

Our Car Wash runs on Saturday, from 11:30 to 4 pm. We're holding it at the Walmart Garden Center, and will providing food and refreshments as well. Walmart will be matching donations up to $500, so please come out and help us meet our goal!

A list of all auction items is available at http://cedarbrookchurch.net

Friday, July 13, 2007

Light the Fuse!!

Welcome to CB Orleans blog!

This is the place where you will be able to track the outreach and service activities being done by groups from Cedarbrook Church and other groups from Western Wisconsin who are helping to rebuild a neighborhood in New Orleans.

On July 27th, 2007, the first group of 14 people will leave Menomonie, Wisconsin and travel the 1250 miles to the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans. Another group will follow the next week, leaving on Friday, August 3.

Our goal is to come alongside a number of organizations such as Urban Impact and Cafe Reconcile, which are working hard in that neighborhood to help restore, rebuild and redeem an area of the city where people can safely live with dignity and pride. We hope to learn much as we serve together to help people experience the love of God through building relationships and building facilities.

Look for many updates in the weeks to come!!