Thursday, August 9, 2007


Hello all of you blog followers!!!

These past 2 days have been great!


We started out with another great breakfast by our host Caleb (he is a great cook!) Then we were off to work....Well actually everyone else got to work while I got to go the fish market with Shorty, one of the Nehemiah Guys that works at the Living Witness. WE picked up 20 pounds of shrimp to cook up for lunch. That was pretty cool! I don't think I have ever seen shrimp that fresh right off the boat! Then When we got back, I got to learn how to peal the shrimp with Nivel, one of the cooks, and peeled talked for over an hour. We all worked hard in the heat and got a lot of plumbing done and finished painting the house. We breaked for a great shrimp lunch. After that we got into a bible study. The rest of the afternoon we spent finishing up some projects to get ready for wed.

That night we got to drive over the Causeway (which is the 26 mile long bridge over the lake) to go to Trinity Church to hear how God has worked in their life. It is so amazing how God and work his hand through people's lives through disaster! This hurricain not only destroyed lives and homes but also brought to attention the poverty of this city that was here long before Katrina hit, which I think was God's plan. He knew it would take something drastic to get the world's attention to get help to make a change! Well it worked! Trinity has worked with over 10,000 volunteers since Katrina hit! Isn't God amazing!!!!

The rest of us were so tired when we got back to Yellow house, most of us went to bed!


Today we had a lot of work ahead of us. We had a great breakfast and went straight to work. We were finishing prepping for concrete and started setting up the brackets and truses for the second floor. Today... I don't think that I have ever sweat this much and it feels great!. We are drinking water and taking breaks and staying strong! We had a great lunch and headed into bible study. We all talked about our favorite names for Jesus and what motivates us to be down here. Then we went back to work! That afternoon the Nehemiah boys came out to help and we got so much done!! We are ready for concrete tomorrow and may even start putting on the plywood on the second floor. Things are coming together! We worked a little later today until about 5 because we had dinner at 6 and a worship service at living witness at 7.

Wow that service was amazing. Our very own Jeremy and Kristen lead worship. They were so great. I could hear the Word of God coming through their words. God's presence was so strong there. The worship teams jumped into the song "blessed" and the congregation was jumping and yelling and clapping, even our own Cedarbrookers! God is truly amazing! WE came down here to serve this chuch but in return they have blessed and served us! They are such inspiring men! To have gone through the things that they have and still be a live and praising God with everything that they do. It is so amazing to me to see them so filled with God that they just cannot sit still they cannot contain themselves because the light of our God is so strong inside of them. I feel so privelaged to be able to be down here to learn from and with them. Our team has become so close and strong through God and continues to grow every day! Thank you God for all that you have done in our lives and we look forward to what is ahead of us for the rest of this week!

So now for the nicknames...

Giggle Box
Buba Uno
Tone Bone

With all of God's Love and Blessings!

Sarah H.
Sarah B.


CB Outreach said...

Thanks for the report and the pictures. So fun to be sitting here and see the pictures in my head showing up in real life with the progress you are making.

Have fun pouring the concrete today...nobody has put any initials in yet... Don't let Bob run the wheelborrow, as I'm sure he's still recovering.

Glad to see you guys are continuing the same ministry that we were part of...what a great community and group of guys. Everyone here wishes we were still down there with you.

Enjoy Super Friday, and have a safe journey home. We're following everyone in prayer.


angie said...

Hi everyone! It's great to see some familar faces~ say hi to "caboose" (bob) and "digga" (novell) for us~!

Make sure nobody stays behind, I would have if we hadn't been counting heads! Ha Ha.

Take care and have a safe journey home!

Angie~ Bambi